International T-Class Kahles Cup 2020, Bulgaria

The International T-Class Kahles Cup took place on 19-20th September 2020 at the military shooting range in Slivnitsa, Bulgaria. This was a two-day shooting competition with 20 stages in accordance with the T-Class rules. 30 competitors took part in this event. There were various static and dynamic exercises with shooting distances from 50m to 1200m, from stable and unstable positions – realistic shooting from buildings, towers, trenches, barricades, helicopter platforms at various paper, metal, electronic, reactive and smart target systems during the daylight, also, in full darkness at night.

Scenes, detailed results and the final ranking is available on the online system –

The T-Class shooting sport was founded in 2014 in Europe, and uses the most innovative scoring system to fairly assess all the shooting skills of the competitors. The competition took place under the sponsorship of Kahles G.m.b.H. Each competitor personally received Kahles souvenirs as well as lottery  prizes for the lucky ones.

The International T-Class Kahles Cup was another successive T-Class shooting competition which held up to it’s motto: ONE COMPETITION – ALL THE SKILLS!